Saturday, December 12, 2009


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Go Green and Go WOW

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We are hearing this everywhere nowadays and it's a good thing. Recycling and reusing props, materials and supplies can definitely help you stretch that CM budget. We just had a major event at my home church where 80 percent of the decor came from reused items. It looked great. The key is to keep items recyclable items in good reusable condition. Let's face it - if you use junk to create a project, it will end up looking like junk. Here are a few tips towards keeping stuff looking good and ready to be reused for your next WOW.

1. Use quality plywood for build outs or framing projects when creating your room themes. Going cheap with MDF or particle board might seem great for your budget but in the long run you’ll get more value out of wood that can be reused for future projects.

2. Screw instead of nailing. To help wood material stay in better shape use screws when attaching pieces together instead of nails. This makes it easier for separating the pieces with less damage. Pieces can then be reattached using the same screw holes to reduce work time.

3. Treat both sides of raw wood material with primer or paint, preferably both, even if one side is not to be displayed for your project. This protects the piece from warping, and also readies the piece to be reused on the reverse side for the next theme project, saving you time and money.

4. Recycle pre-used materials, such as old wooden fencing, for signage, planks, etc. Take inventory of what you and the church have on hand, noting what each item can be used for. One of the best ways to keep your budget in check is to plan ahead and creatively use what you already have.

5. OOPS- we used it again. Leftover paint doesn't have to stay the color you found it. Mix paints to create the color you need. Keep a gallon of black and white paint on hand to make quick tone adjustments to any paint and you got yourself a new color.

6. Reuse it or lose it. From big things like using both sides of foam boards, banners and canvas sheets to small things such as screws and bolts. Every little thing counts and in the end makes a huge impact to your budget. If it totally, impossibly can not be reused then you trash it and reduce the need for more storage space.

7. Organize and store properly. We all need more storage room. The answer to that comes from above. Create more room by going up. Use ceiling suspended shelving, holders, and hooks to create more storage. Label everything and use clear storage bins for small items for easier identification. The better you store your material the better shape they will be in for future use. As a bonus you go from being the church packrat to being Mr(s). Resourceful.

Hope helps you stretch your budget. Go Green by reusing, reducing and recycling. Now, go create that WOW.

P. Ray